Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tempera Paint

One of the most important parts of teaching is effective evaluation. Using tempera paint as a form of assessment is something I would have never thought of doing before. Tempera paint is a good form of paint to use for any age of children, and can be used in a variety of ways. A simple assessment can be used with just tempera paint, paper, and different sized brushes. This idea is unique because it incorporates art with any subject desired. Instead of having an original quiz with a boring piece of paper and pencil, create one using paint.

- Tempera Paint
- Brushes
- Painting paper

1. Split the students into groups of two, and giving each group a piece of large paper or small poster board (whatever materials available in class will be just fine). 

2. Make sure each student has their own large paint brush and small paint brush.

3. If there is time, allow the students to mix paint into their own original color to use to make their mark.

4. Each student will take turns giving questions to their partner. If they get it right, they are allowed to make a mark with the large paint brush. If they get it wrong, they are allowed to make a mark with the small paint brush.

5. Encourage the students to build off of each other's marks to create something as a whole, even if the colors are contrasting. Let the children share their artwork with the class at the end and describe how they felt about the activity.

This is a safe environment for children to be assessed in case they don't know the answer. It also helps peers to teach each other about the content being discussed, supporting the Sociocultural Learning Theory. An example of how we did it in class is posted below.

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