Friday, June 8, 2012


This was the best project that I did throughout the entire course. It was so interesting to see the process that the henna goes through, and would be extremely fun to incorporate into class. One of the reasons that I like this project so much is because it can easily be used to help teach another subject. Ideally, it would be great to use to show a physical artifact from a different culture. It would be useful for students to learn the purpose behind wearing it, what it is used for, etc. There are unlimited options to use henna in the classroom, and it's super fun! Because henna colors everything it touches, it would probably be smartest to use with older children, and not preschool children with lack of fine motor skills ;)

- Henna kit
- Plastic bags/cellophane squares
- Tape
- Henna designs
- Paper
- Pencils
- Lemon juice
- Cotton balls
- Scissors

1. The best way to do henna is probably to mix it before class (like the night before, and store it in your refrigerator covered). That way, it won't take up too much class time.

2. Let the children either find traditional henna art to copy, or create a design of their own. Make sure you explain that henna colors whatever it touches and that it's important to be careful.

3. After practicing drawing, help the students to role the cellophane squares into a cone shape and tape it. You can also use a plastic baggie. You want the hole at the bottom (where the henna comes out) to be as small as possible!

4. Put a small scoop of henna into each bag. Fold over the top of the cellophane, so it's not left open, and tape that shut too.

5. If the hole at the bottom is too small (nothing is coming out when lightly squeezed), cut the bottom of the cone off (just a TINY bit).

6. Slowly squeeze the henna onto your skin to create the designs. Henna works best on your feet or hands.

7. Let the henna dry for 24 hours, applying some lemon juice with a cotton ball periodically.

8. Then henna will probably fall off naturally, or you can peel it after 1-2 days if you want. The remaining design looks great!

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