Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Finger Weaving

This was probably one of my favorite activities that we did the entire course. I would recommend to teach it in grades 4+, however simpler finger weaving can be found and taught for the lower grades if you so desire.

Old shirt

1. Have the students bring one of their old shirts to school. It is preferred to have fabric that is cotton, or cotton-poly, so it can stretch and won't irritate the student's fingers.

2. Cut off all the seams of the shirt. Cut off the sleeves, collar, hem, and seams down the side, so you are just left with the plain fabric with no stitching.

3. Cut 1/2 inch strips long ways through the fabric. The longer you can keep the strips, the better.

4. Stretch out each strip by pulling on each end. You want the fabric to stretch, but not like spandex, and have it retract afterwards (like a rubber band).

5. On one side of one of the strips, fold over 1/2 inch. Make a small slit. Unfold the small folded piece to see that you have made a small hole. Do this with a second strip and overlap the two holes on top of each other.

6. Take the bottom right end (the side without the slit in it), and weave it through the hole, creating a small knot.

7. Repeat this process to connect 4 pieces of fabric. Pull tightly to ensure all knots won't come undone.

8. Now it's time for the finger weaving! Leave a small (5 inch) tail that won't be tied into anything. Weave the rest of your long rope in between your fingers like this.

9. Weave the fabric back the other way like this.

10. Take the straight strand that is going across the top of the palm of my hand (from my pinky to my thumb), and put it at the top of the other strands, towards the middle of your fingers.

11. Start with your pointer finger, and weave your pointer finger below the top straight strand, and take the loop off your pointer finger underneath. Do this will all of your fingers, and repeat.

12. After weaving, it will begin to look bunched. Stretch it out by  pulling so it looks like this.

13. Tie off the top, and you have created a 4-finger weave!

 For a video on Finger Weaving, go here:


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